
  In April, we got our first chickens!  We started with two - Eggy and Henrietta - who were 16 weeks old when we got them.  Sammy and Ryan loved bringing them home.  Reese wasn't as big a fan.  :)  A couple weeks later, we got another chicken - Chicky Feather - who was 12 weeks old.  Eggy laid her first egg at the end of May and Henrietta started laying soon after that.  Little Chicky Feather still hasn't started laying, and she's also limping because she hurt her foot.  Sadly, in July we lost Henrietta to a hawk or fox (or some other critter; we're not sure).  We're hoping to get another chicken at some point.

The coop!  :)

Sammy with Henrietta

Eggy sneaking onto the back porch

Henrietta and Eggy checking out their new home

Enjoying some free range time!

Sammy's favorite chicken - Chicky Feather

Our first egg!  
