Samantha changed so much this past week! She has three new teeth coming in (two on top, one on the bottom), so pretty soon she'll have five teeth! She started crawling on Tuesday the 28th, but then decided on Thursday that crawling is overrated. She's back to scooting now - she can get around a lot faster! She also started pulling herelf up on things. First in the crib, and now everywhere! She pulls up on toys, chairs, couches, whatever she can get a grasp on! She sees something new to pull up on and she scoots faster to get there. :) She also started sitting up on her own (finally!). Before last week she was way too interested in scooting to sit still. She can now go from scooting or laying on her belly to pushing herself up into a sitting position. What a big girl! At daycare they tell me they're just waiting for her to take off walking! I'll try to find some good videos and post them when I can.